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6-004 Podcast 
RIE Based Practice in ECE
Dec 2020 
Duration: Approx. 45 min
This week I was fortunate to speak with Sharon Smith (RIE Associate) about RIE based practice in ECE. Sharon is a founding trustee and Chair of NZITC (New Zealand Infant and Toddler Consortium) .

She is a RIE® Associate and a passionate advocate for our youngest citizens and their families. Sharon facilitates RIE® programmes, and is a RIE® Mentor. She consults with parents and alongside teaching teams. Sharon offers professional development and mentorship within Early Childhood Centre programmes around New Zealand through her consultancy, Magic Child Ltd.

In this podcast interview with Sharon Smith we discussed:
How Sharon came to be a RIE Associate - her personal journey.
What is the RIE philosophy all about in a nutshell - an explanation for beginners.
The main RIE principles that all infant and toddler teachers need to know, understand and practice.
Some of the common misconceptions about RIE practice in ECE group care.
What the NZITC has planned for 2021.
Presented by Angela Bush, joined by Sharon Smith (RIE Associate)

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