Associate Teacher Development program

In partnership with ECE Learning Unlimited

The ATPD Hub is Open! 
Welcome to all current NZTC Associate Teachers.
Keep an eye on your emails for your invitation to get started soon!

Write your awesome label here.

Take a look inside the ATPD Hub

Unlock your potential as a mentor 

Join our Associate Teacher Development Program and become the inspiring teacher leader you've always wanted to be.

About the program

Empowering Associate Teachers

Our Associate Teacher Development Program is a comprehensive initiative created collaboratively by New Zealand Tertiary College and ECE Learning Unlimited. It has been designed to support and enhance the skills of Associate Teachers (ATs), enabling them to effectively mentor and guide student teachers. This program provides a structured pathway for professional growth, ensuring that ATs are well-equipped to foster the development of future teachers.

Mentorship Training

We equip Associate Teachers with the necessary tools and strategies to effectively support and mentor student teachers. Through targeted training sessions, ATs will learn how to provide constructive feedback, foster a positive learning environment, and address the unique needs of student teachers.
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A Central Hub for AT Resources

We provide a centralised location for Associate Teachers to access professional learning materials and resources related to New Zealand Tertiary College (NZTC) field practice content. This hub includes online courses, webinars, articles, and other valuable resources designed to enhance teaching and mentoring practices.
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A Structured Development Pathway

We create a clear and structured pathway for Associate Teachers to develop their mentorship skills. This pathway includes various stages of development, from initial training to advanced mentorship techniques, ensuring that ATs can progress and grow in their roles. With the option to enter post graduate studies with NZTC.
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Recognition of Participation

We provide recognition and certification for Associate Teachers who complete different stages of the development pathway. This not only acknowledges their commitment and achievements but also enhances their professional credentials.
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Program Benefits

*The NZTC Associate Teacher Program is FREE for NZTC Associate Teachers 

For Associate Teachers

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Gain the knowledge and skills needed to be effective mentors, access a wealth of professional learning resources, and advance your career through a structured development pathway.

For student teachers

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Receive high-quality support and guidance from well-trained and knowledgeable Associate Teachers, ensuring a positive and enriching learning experience.

For the ECE Community

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 Building a strong network of skilled educators who are committed to continuous improvement and the development of future teachers.

NZTC Associate Teacher Program

Access this FREE suite of professional growth opportunities to enhance your mentoring skills and make a valuable contribution to the ECE community

NZTC Field Practice 





The ATPD Hub is proudly brought to you by ECE Learning Unlimited 

If you need help navigating the ATPD Hub contact our customer service team here or use the chatbot in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.