Parenting Mentor + Educator
Alex is an experienced ECE teacher with over two decades of experience working alongside families. After working as a nanny for 5 years, she completed a Bachelor of Education (ECE) in 2008 and began work as a ECE teacher. After discovering a strong passion for supporting parents on their parenting journey, in 2020 she started working as a Parenting Mentor.
Alex is a certified Postpartum Doula and is a registered Circle of Security Parenting and Classroom Approach facilitator. She recently became a certified Motherhood Studies Practitioner and is currently training as a Holistic Sleep Coach. In 2021, Alex started Precious Beginnings, a 10-week postpartum and parenting program, with over 200 parents completing the course.
Alex believes that nurturing tamariki in their early childhood experiences profoundly shapes the foundational aspects of their growth and development. Whether collaborating with kaiako or engaging with whānau, Alex highlights the significance of offering tamariki attuned, respectful, and responsive care.
As a kaiako, you understand the impact that a supportive and nurturing environment has on tamariki growth and well-being. The Circle of Security Classroom Approach is a programme dedicated to enhancing your skills and fostering meaningful relationships between kaiako, tamariki, and their whānau.
The Circle of Security Classroom Approach is an engaging programme that equips kaiako with essential insights and practical strategies to create secure and loving relationships between tamariki and their caregivers.
This research-based programme draws from attachment theory and emphasises the importance of emotional connection in shaping a child’s development.
The presenter of this programme Alex Weehuizen has recently partnered with ECE Learning Unlimited and is now offering this programme to our members with a special 10% discount offer. This is a LIVE online programme starting on 15th February 2024. See more details about this valuable programme
**Get in now to register for this programme as there are limited places.
Use this code to access your 10% discount: ECE10