Professional Learning Groups

Join a network of like minded ECE colleagues in a series of
live online group sessions facilitated by our experienced mentors

"As dedicated but often busy leaders in early childhood education, we are usually so focused on making sure everyone else is ok before ourselves."

But just like the advice from airlines - we need to remember to put our own oxygen mask on first!

If you are a registered teacher in New Zealand, you are required to;
  • Undertake a professional growth cycle the same as your teachers do.
  • Network with others in senior leadership positions.
  • Have your teacher registration endorsed by another senior professional leader


Join a Professional Learning Group in 2024 and get all the benefits of a supported network including;

Facilitated PGC goal setting and group discussions (x5 Zoom meetings across the year).
Track your personal PGC using our digital platform - Kebudel.
Access to our professional digital platform where your group can easily communicate, send messages, collaborate, and join meetings.
The option to invite another member of your PLG to endorse your teacher registration.
The option to attend our face to face network events with guest speakers during the year at a discounted rate.
Space to communicate with others in your PLG using group chats and direct messaging.

Choose the right group for you:


5 Online Meetings
Facilitated By Barbara Watson

10-11.30 am Tuesdays
Members Club Discount- Save $50
  • 9 July 2024
  • 1 OCT 2024
  • 4 FEbruary 2025
  • 22 April 2025
  • 24 JUne 2025
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5 Online Meetings
Facilitated By Barbara Watson

10-11.30 am Wednesdays
Members Club Discount- Save $50
  • 21 February 2024
  • 17 April 2024
  • 26 June 2024
  • 4 september 2024
  • 6 November 2024
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5 Online Meetings
Facilitated By Bridgit Williams

1-2.30 pm Thursdays
Members Club Discount- Save $50
  • 8 February 2024
  • 4 April 2024
  • 6 June 2024
  • 5 september 2024
  • 7 November 2024
Empty space, drag to resize


5 Online Meetings
Facilitated By Bridgit Williams

7-8.30 pm Thursdays
Members Club Discount- Save $50
  • 8 February 2024
  • 4 april 2024
  • 6 june 2024
  • 5 september 2024
  • 7 november 2024
Empty space, drag to resize

Meet the facilitators

Barbara Watson (PHD)
Barbara is an experienced mentor and leader in ECE. Her Ph.D focus was based on mentoring so she is well positioned to lead PLGs and support senior ECE leaders in their professional growth.

Bridgit has been a mentor in the ECE sector for many years. She has extensive experience and knowledge in leadership and mentoring that she brings to the PLG experience.

Write your awesome label here.
Professional Learning Groups are now hosted on Kebudel. Register now and we will send you the details before your first meeting. 

Here’s what previous PLG members had to say about their PLG experience with ECELU;

“I really enjoyed them and being able to connect with other Managers. I really valued that the managers/leaders within these groups were experienced and didn't ask questions that I would consider are really basic and should be known for someone in that role (if you get what I mean here). Other management groups that I have attended sometimes have really inexperienced leaders taking part and key managment questions never get answered.”
“Connection with others in leadership as sometimes it can be a very lonely journey. Its nice to know others are on that same journey as you.”