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1-077 Recorded Webinar 
Understanding Te Whatu Pokeka
Duration: Approx. 40 min
Many of us will know of Te Whatu Pokeka as a Kaupapa Māori assessment framework in ECE. 

And as teachers, we have a commitment to Te Tiriti O Waitangi in the New Zealand Teacher Standards.

But how confident do you feel to utilise Te Whatu Pokeka in your practice?

Watch Mero Rokx from Te Rito Maioha in this webinar to learn;
  • What is the kaupapa of Te Whatu Pokeka?
  • How can this assessment framework underpin our practice as teachers?
Presented by Mero Rokx
Curriculum Advisor Māori
Te Rito Maioha
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About the Webinar Presenter

Mero Rokx
Curriculum Advisor Māori

As pouako for Te Rito Maioha, Mero supports staff and students to ensure their practices are culturally appropriate. She also lectures on mātauranga Māori and provides guidance on teacher practice through a Māori lens. As curriculum advisor Māori, Mero offers cultural support and guidance for all Te Rito Maioha staff and advises on the use of te reo Māori.

Mero has worked in education since the for over 15 years crossing between ECE, primary, and tertiary education with a focus on kaupapa Māori-based practice. As a kaupapa Māori practitioner, Mero’s research highlights the importance of developing a culturally rich repertoire of skills that addresses the inequities of education in Aotearoa. Having worked across all stages of learning and development, Mero knows the importance of investing in tamariki mokopuna in their early years to sustain the health and development of whānau, hapū, and iwi. Her teaching philosophy is based on whakapapa and the recognition of mana in practice. Mero puts this into practice by providing holistic support to students through clear communication and modelling mana-enhancing behaviours to set good teaching standards for future kaiako.

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