3-002 Resource E-Book
Planning for infants and toddlers in group care
Infant and toddler Planning - is this appropriate or not?

SO… How do you “do” planning for infants and toddlers?

And why do you “do” planning for infants and toddlers? 

There are many ideas out there about planning BUT are they in the best interests of infants and toddlers, do these ideas truly reflect how infants and toddlers learn? Are they respectful of infants and toddlers’ unique ways of being and doing? Should we even be “planning” for this age group, and if so, how should we “PLAN” for this special group of people and their learning, meaningfully and respectfully?

Infants and toddlers learn things in their own special way, some of the most important things that they are learning during this time are who they are and how they are valued.

Much of the first two years of a child’s life are spent in the creation of their first “sense of self” or the building of a first identity. Infants and toddlers experience life more holistically than any other age period. This learning (positive or negative) mainly occurs through the types of relationships that the children are exposed to. This critical time in infants and toddlers’ lives requires specialized places, spaces, planning and teaching.

This Ebook accompanies our webinar on the same topic and will provoke your thinking around the discourse/language we use for planning, what (as teachers) are we looking for/at, and what do we document. So, with that in mind let’s view “planning” from an infant and toddler specific lens.

Created by Angela Bush and Raewyne Bary 
B.ed (ECE Teaching), Dip Tch ECE, Dip Nursing
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