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Recorded Webinar: Leadership Clinic Part 4
Managing poor performance
Duration: Approx. 45 min
This webinar is the fourth in a series of interactive leadership conversations, led by Barbara Watson and Bridgit Williams. Each session has a leadership focus that has been illustrated by way of relatable scenarios. Participants have discussed the problems, issues and dilemmas in these scenarios and drawn on leadership theory and experience to develop a range of appropriate responses to each situation.

The intention is to present everyday leadership situations and collectively problem-solve potential and implementable solutions. 

The series will be structured around the following topics: 
  1. What does it take to be an effective leader? 
  2. Setting and maintaining clear expectations 
  3. Coaching effective practice in others 
  4. Managing poor performance 
  5. Having difficult conversations
  6. Understanding and working through power dynamics

From time to time as a leader we will find ourselves in the unfortunate position of having to manage poor performance with one of our team despite all our best efforts to create clear expectations. But as leaders we must take action quickly with poor performers.

But how do we manage this process in a way that achieves improved outcomes or if necessary, the exit of an under performing team member?

In this webinar Barbara and Bridgit have discussed the implications of poor performing team members, and how we can effectively manage these situations for positive outcomes.
Presented by Barbara Watson (PhD)
PhD; MEdAdmin; BEd (ECE); Dip.Tchg (Primary)
Also Presented by Bridgit Williams
MProfStud(Ed); BA (Ed); DipTchgECE; PGDip Montessori
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What others have to say about this webinar  

This webinar was very insightful and highlighted to me the importance of nipping things in the bud before they escalate and the importance of following the disciplinary process to help support the improvement of performance. 
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A good discussion with lots of advice and guidance to help with challenging situations.
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A really informative workshop - thanks. Lots of clear advice.
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Learn more about Leadership

About the Webinar Presenters

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Barbara Watson (PhD)
PhD; MEdAdmin; BEd (ECE); Dip.Tchg (Primary)

Barbara is a qualified early childhood and primary teacher and has owned and managed early childhood centres. Having worked as part of the EC Professional Support team at the Faculty of Education for 7 years, she has strong links with The University of Auckland. While in this role Barbara facilitated a variety of workshops and programmes for a wide range of ECE services and also lectured on a number of ECE papers.

Barbara has a passion for supporting teachers to make effective links between theory and practice. Her Masters thesis focused on leadership and adult education and her PhD investigated how induction and mentoring programmes are enacted in education and care services. Barbara works with centre leaders as a mentor, coach and external appraiser.

Bridgit Williams
MProfStud(Ed); BA (Ed); DipTchgECE; PGDip Montessori

Bridgit is a mother and experienced early childhood leader and teacher. She has a Masters degree in Professional Studies and has been a facilitator of early childhood teacher's professional learning since 2015. 

As a professional leader in the early childhood sector, Bridgit has extensive knowledge in child development, learning and teaching.

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