The Leaders Lounge:
ECE Managers and Owners Network Event

🗓️ Friday 22nd March 2024

📍 Location: Sorrento in the Park, One Tree Hill Domain, Royal Oak, Auckland
✴️ This networking event was recorded to ensure it is accessible for everyone across New Zealand.

Recording now available

✴️ This networking event was recorded to ensure it is accessible for everyone across New Zealand. 

Write your awesome label here.

You are invited to our inaugural networking event created specifically for ECE Center owners and managers. 

Leading and managing in ECE can sometimes be a lonesome place, and staying on top of regulatory requirements, MOE changes, staffing etc etc can make your head spin. We are so often taking care of everyone else, that we forget about ourselves. 

Join us for an opportunity to network with others in the same position as you. Hear from our engaging guest speakers and connect with fellow ECE leaders in a relaxed atmosphere. Engage in open, honest discussions about the joys and struggles of running an ECE center. No pressure, just a space to learn from each other and relax a little on a Friday afternoon.

Networking Event Schedule

🗓️ Mark Your Calendar for Friday 22nd March 1-5pm

📍 Location: Sorrento in the Park, One Treehill Domain, Royal Oak, Auckland


Doors open - grab a drink and take a seat


Welcome and introduction
Angela Bush
ECE Learning Unlimited & Kebudel

1:40pm - 1:45pm

A word from our sponsor
Bo Burns
Fundraise Factory

1.45pm - 2:30pm

ECE Sector Round-up
Join Sue for an insightful presentation on the urgent needs of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) sector. With thirty years of expertise in policy and advocacy, Sue delves into the current state of ECE, pinpointing critical issues demanding immediate attention. Don't miss this essential discussion on shaping the future of early childhood education.
Sue Kurtovich
Kurtovich Consulting

2:30pm - 3:30pm

Hear from Honorable David Seymour, Associate Minister for Education, as he provides valuable insights into the current state of the ECE landscape. Delve into the government's strategic response to the pressing issues facing the sector. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the policies and initiatives aimed at addressing challenges and fostering positive change. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with the Minister and explore the future of ECE under the new governmental leadership.
David Seymour
Minister of Early Childhood

3:30pm - 5:00pm

Grab a drink, network, connect, share, relax, enjoy your afternoon
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Afternoon tea provided.

The Sorrento bar will be open after 5pm for anyone who would like to linger longer for a beverage and to keep talking.

**Please note** Cornwall Park main gates from Greenlane Rd are now closed to park through traffic. If coming to the conference/event please use the Manukau Rd(670 Manukau Rd) entrance into the park by the Stardome as it’s open 24 hours to access/leave Sorrento in the Park.

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Watch Live - Streaming will be open 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Register for this event


Write your awesome label here.

Watch the recording:

✴️ This networking event was recorded to ensure it is accessible for everyone across New Zealand. 

Hear from Sue Kurtovich and David Seymour -Associate Minister of Education as they discuss the current issues in the ECE Sector. 

🔗 Questions or Just Wanna Chat? Contact us 
Phone Angela +61472706824