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1-015 Recorded Webinar 
Introduction To Provisional Teacher Certification
Duration: Approx. 60 mins
Completing your teaching qualification has been a big journey, Congratulations! Now begins the next phase of your teaching career - becoming a Certificated Teacher. We understand that embarking on this process can be confusing and you will no doubt have many questions.

That’s why we are bringing you this webinar. To give you an overview of what is required of you as a Certificated Teacher, what the Teaching Council expect, and what your mentoring and guidance programme should look like in your ECE work setting.

If you are a mentor of Provisionally Certificated Teachers, it is really important that you understand your role as a mentor, and how to support your PCTs through a robust induction and mentoring programme.

There is a lot of misinformation circulating in the ECE sector about what is required of a provisionally certificated teacher. Barbara Watson, the presenter of this webinar, investigated induction and mentoring programmes in her PhD studies and has also worked alongside the Teaching Council delivering workshops that covered certification requirements. She will bring clarity to the confusion and uncertainty you may be feeling as you step into this next stage of your career.

In this webinar we examine the purpose of the provisional certification period and the expectations of the induction and mentoring (I&M) programme your centre is required to provide for you. You will learn about your role, and that of your mentor, in the I&M programme and what will be required of you before becoming a fully certificated teacher. This webinar is relevant for New Zealand Provisionally Certificated Teachers and their Mentors.
Presented by Barbara Watson (PhD)
PhD; MEdAdmin; BEd (ECE); Dip.Tchg (Primary)
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Learn more with Barbara Watson

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About the Webinar Presenter

Barbara Watson (PhD)
PhD; MEdAdmin; BEd (ECE); Dip.Tchg (Primary)

Barbara is a qualified early childhood and primary teacher and has owned and managed early childhood centres. Having worked as part of the EC Professional Support team at the Faculty of Education for 7 years, she has strong links with The University of Auckland. While in this role Barbara facilitated a variety of workshops and programmes for a wide range of ECE services and also lectured on a number of ECE papers.

Barbara has a passion for supporting teachers to make effective links between theory and practice. Her Masters thesis focused on leadership and adult education and her PhD investigated how induction and mentoring programmes are enacted in education and care services. Barbara works with centre leaders as a mentor, coach and external appraiser.

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