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1-119 Recorded Webinar 
Beyond Paperwork: Leveraging AI to reduce the burden for early childhood teachers
Duration: Approx. 60 mins
AI is here to stay whether we like it or not. It is here in early childhood education, and we can now write learning stories using AI. Does this concern you or excite you?

In the dynamic world of early childhood education, teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our youngest learners. Yet, the administrative burden of paperwork often distracts educators from focusing on what truly matters—our children. Watch Jen Popham from LoveHeart AI in this webinar as we delve into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in alleviating the paperwork challenges faced by early childhood teachers.

In this webinar Jen has discussed strategies for;
Streamlining Administrative Tasks: Discover how AI tools can automate routine administrative tasks, allowing teachers to spend more time engaging with their children and less time buried in paperwork.
Personalised Lesson Planning: Explore how AI can assist in creating tailored lesson plans, taking into account teacher observations.

Join us on a journey "Beyond Paperwork," where we explore how AI can be a game-changer in empowering early childhood educators to focus on what they do best—nurturing young minds. Watch this webinar to discover innovative solutions that can revolutionise the way you teach and positively impact the learning experience for both educators and children alike.
Presented by Loveheart AI
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What others have to say about this webinar  

This webinar was very informative and addressed a lot of the stigma around the use of AI and showed how teachers can integrate AI into their practice in an authentic and meaningful way. 

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It has really opened my eyes up to the benefits of utilizing AI as tool to excel in ECE. It has allowed me to break down those fears I had about AI and learn about it as apposing to assume about it. I am exited.
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Very informative webinar. Hosts were excellent and communication answering participats questions was great. I learnt alot about LoveHeart AI and how it can enhance an educators learning stories.
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About the Webinar Presenters

Loveheart AI

LoveHeart is an AI educator-aide that uses your observations to help you understand a child's development and how to extend learning by writing learning stories, daily journals, learning plans, and reflections in seconds.

Jen Popham
Himal Randeniya 
Anand Rego

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